Candidates who complete the Alpine Guide and Ski Guide certificates receive the Mountain Guide designation from the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG)
ACMG Mountain Guides are also recognized by the International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations, the highest internationally recognized qualification for instruction and guiding rock and ice climbing, mountaineering and backcountry skiing. The IFMGA badge, recognized throughout the mountain world is a guarantee of professional training and competence in all aspects of mountaineering and client care.
Specialty Guides
The completion of the Rock Guide, Ski Guide or Alpine Guide certificates qualifies you as a Specialty Guide with specific terrain limitations.
Rock Guide:
Rock guides specialize in climbing instruction and guiding on technical rock.
Alpine Guide:
Alpine guides specialize in alpine, rock, and waterfall ice climbing terrain.
Ski Guide:
Ski guides specialize in ski touring, ski mountaineering, and helicopter/snowcat ski guiding.